Saturday, December 12, 2009


I feel so soft and I do not know why;
My fingers out compete the soft breeze at sea;
My lips are like those of a child;
My eyes are a calm bronze;
My body is a temple of innocence;
I feel so soft and I do not know why.

I feel so soft and I do not know why;
This softness I never had;
this softness I adopted,

To have those dreams I never had as a child;
about an innocent so pure,
an innocent so glorious;

To feel like a child again,
to kill the fastidious adult I became;

I feel so soft and I do not know why.

I feel so soft and I do not know why;
I lost the anger, the pain,
and the sleepless nights;

I lost the tears, the bad memories,
and the broken promises;

I let go and I learned the ways of the child;
I am free.
I feel so soft and I now know why.