Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I see a fraction of the moon ahead
dimming under the blanket of ferocious waves
As though ashamed to watch me drown
it hides behind a dark gray cloud

A reflection of heaven swims passed me
So beautiful, so shiny
It woes me with its long tentacles
but I keep going under
Down is where my soul belongs
I don't need your prayers
I don't need your tears 
I chose this death
to find some peace and quiet
from a life that drives me insane
to lay with the remains of my beloved
at the bottom of the sea.

Darkness engulfs me
as happy as a clown 
like it knew I was coming
Light becomes as distant as a bird over the horizon
The power of the sea bed crashes me to the bone
I gasp for whatever of life I have left
as the bitter sweet taste of death fills me up.

It's peaceful at the bottom of the sea.

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