Tuesday, October 18, 2011


If I woke up with death on my mind,
headed for the highest secluded level above the ground
and made a backflip to the rock hard surface below,
I see great things happening.
Grief in procession....
My loved ones will be bitter...in denial
as my face haunts the pages of missing persons.
My enemies will be jubilant...
marked by their flashing teeth
Greed will corrupt hearts
since I left no will.
Days become months
Waiting becomes a timely beast
I see hearts growing sore with sorrow
and eyes dry to pain
as search teams bring home aimless reports
But acceptance swindles in anyway
as leaves pile up over my lost body.
Soon life returns to normal
People jump over the dent I left behind.
A new staff takes my seat in the hall,
My family puts down pictures of me,
a stone is raised in my name for memories sake,
laughter echoes in the corridors at home,
My lover cleans out my possessions,
and begins eying other women
But just when they think it's over,
that grief is gone,
an unlucky soul falls upon remnants of my compost
and it comes right back.


The past is before us
Yes, the past is present,
It is here...
dwelling among us,
awakening the dead,
arousing the sleeping.
No, history doesn't repeat itself
It never has...
but it's happening now.
We're one with the darkness that engulfs us,
All fighting buried in the past....
that's now slowly unfolding.
Past darkness...us...you...me....
We're one entity in the suffering bound by the wind
that blows all of us in a uniform direction...
in to the darkness,
Just as it was in the beginning
the past lies ahead of us.

Written by: Tracy Kobukindo