Sunday, January 08, 2012


Yesterday I cried
tears of voluptuous joy
as the shouts of merriment for the new year
flooded my ears
and rainbows of fireworks painted
my midnight sky
I resist change
under whatever circumstance
I resist change
but this time I know
my wars against time are going to be fruitful
because I'm not in the mood
of any form of a joke called life

I let time have it's way 2011
the cliche in events wasn't amusing
Before I could even blink;
January was December
and no work done
Loves...yes, they were more than three
found and lost
Promises made and just as fast forgotten
Friends? Forgotten...period!
I was drowned in work
what were they anyway?
last year was full of nothing
but wasted tik-toks around the clock

2011, was one hell of a year,
a thorn in my back,
a pain up that dark place between my butt cheeks
Time rushed by caking me in agony
drawing wrinkles on my forehead,
preserving all bad memories,
hiding all the good ones,
driving me close to the grave
with no one left behind to pass on my name.

I moved one bumpy road in 2011
Year in, year through, I mourned.
I had no choice under the tyranny of time
but I can change my destiny
when it comes to fighting battles this 2012
Time my benign friend,
Time my malignant enemy
better brace yourself
If I even sense any of that bullshit
you forced me stomach last year
I'm through with you.
Goodbye and good riddance, 2011!