Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I loath the thought of possibility
a possibility of anything for that matter
I resign myself to inner wars
Hope dares not interrupt
It led me here after all
I let myself be deceived
that things wouldn't be the same
I let myself follow blindly
the hopes from a troubled past.
I had thought for an instant
just this once....
that it would be different
that I would in fact
get that one thing I wanted the most
How stupid is a mind of a child-at-heart
to even have such a wish
like the times before gave me as much
How naive can I be
to think of a possibility where it's possible for me
to feel something good
like all the times before being here
only presents with one possibility.....
It will bring me no such peace.

Friday, June 15, 2012


A day in August...
He set for us;
the judge with a tyrant's tongue
yet he's our only protection
from the snatch-y hands of our creditors
and a sudden wipe off this earth
We don't know how it came to this.
We don't know why it came to this
that our very friends could stab us
right where it hurt the most,
that they could let us drown in waters
infested by loan-sharks.
Feelings must have been mutual
but greed lies behind many faces
Now we search the world with no prevail
We're constantly watching our backs for their dogs,
even a neighbor can't be trusted.
But, how we trust....
when we can't even trust ourselves?
We fight and bicker at any given opportunity
always searching for a dark spot in snow
We hate so fast
We love too slow
We have become exactly what they wanted
despite our innocent conscience,
They're weakening our family ties
for they know of the strength we can have in numbers.
We're growing apart with each rising sun
We're letting them win come that day in August.