Friday, November 09, 2012


Another week, I can’t get myself to pick up the phone
because I know what you will say
You’re busy with this or that
and that nothing is changed at all
But I know better
Something is always wrong

We need to work this out
But I can’t bring myself to fight
If we can’t even sit and communicate
Our minds have never be here at the same time
since I did what I did
Something is always wrong

You promised to catch me if I fell
that your anger towards me will fade
But it’s been ages
and a million apologies later
and you’re still the same
Something is always wrong

Should I move on?
I failed you for a fact
and I deserve the cold treatment
but I’m only human
and I’m tired of seeking your forgiveness
Tell me we’re over
Don’t keep me hanging on
If you think that…
Something is always wrong about us.