Sunday, November 17, 2013


What is this that pulls against my chest?
Twisting with each breath, 
with each beat
I cringe with leaking eyes
praying not to lose myself

Vile burns my veins
blood turns to ash
I let out an agonizing scream
to shake my heart
to scare it into stopping this madness
Inviting darkness and murder
will only bury us further in this personal hell

I breathe deep...
in heavy highs and painful lows
and wait for the demon to subside
But hope goes away on its own
for no one can out run the truth
Broken hearts never mend

So in tears...
in blood...
my heart...
and I...
will forever be dead.

Friday, October 11, 2013


God, his plans, and Satan's snares
play our souls like dice
We live for heaven in this hell
with odds that keep changing
Even saints have no answer
as to why one should rise
and another should fall

Look at a mother with child
Her heart a naked burden
Fear of the unknown
keeps her guessing at the darkest hour
One can only ask God for that much
the rest is up to a game with fate

Going from here to the grave
Clocks keep chiming
drawing cracks in weak souls
We dust our acts by the second
breaking our backs for a legacy
hoping our end is not now
because no one knows if
they've earned a good name
in the eyes of God.

Friday, June 21, 2013


To give back
To love more
To shadow the rain from your eyes
To smile in the morning sun
To go a distance
To folk tales around camp fires
To ignite all that you touch
To accept new beginnings
To laugh until you’re breathless
To paint your toes
To crazy pranks
To hold hands with best friends
To bungee over that edge
To interesting gossip
To see your breath in the cold
To proclaim your love
To discover foreign lands
To understand loss
To a nice breeze
To aim for the top
To run through sprayed perfume
To forgiveness
To creativity
To a trusted guide dog
To win a competition
To see the world from the edge
To kiss under fireworks
To walk in another’s shoes
To watch the clock
To great music
To kind neighbours
To blow out candles
To sail away
To swing your feet
To breathe deeply
To follow your dreams
To run to a rescue
To go down on one knee
To know enough is enough
To enjoy a meal
To long conversations
To soul searching
To pure wine
To inside jokes
To family reunions
To long hugs
To sing along
To feel beautiful
To brain freeze
To new faces
To be strong
To be free
To invisible friends
To doing more
To silent journeys
To strange miracles

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


This could have been a love song
But you’re tossing and turning
I’m barely hanging on
The truth is…
Time can’t heal us
At least you’re a persistent
with your empty ways
I’m just one more casualty
I didn’t listen to caution
I fell like debris
I crashed in to your cold heart
thinking I was ‘that girl
who could change you
show you that it’s okay to be happy

You would have given us a chance
if I had been more than just a phase
My mind read more in a simple gesture
You led me on
You lied to me
Now you’re breaking me
I’m raged,
I’m burned,
I’m lost,
But most of all…
I’ve learned
that I’m nothing
that you will forever fight it
that you will never feel deserving
that you’re so far gone

I could cut myself down
I could count my scars
from the delusion
that used to be us
I could set you free
I could leave you in peace
with your dead world
the only problem is…
I still believe in us
and it hurts too much.

Tuesday, March 05, 2013


I’m leaving for the end
I don’t know where I will find it
but I’m hell-bent to fight
I don’t care if I have
to wrestle the angles to the ground
or to look the devil in the eye
I will give it all that I have
for something to replace your dead heart

I walked with the darkness
wondering what awaited me
the yearning devoured my soul
to a sheer emptiness
That’s when you held my hand
I was as helpless as a child
You reminded me to look around

In that light,
you embraced me
you buffered my falls
you decided where all the pain went
And when I got well
We came out and saw the stars
We lived like it was the first time
smiling when the sun found us home
I wouldn’t have it any other way

In that life,
I held on hope, I breathed easy
I dreamed
Watching my newly found life
I didn’t want us to tear away
But my heart knows banishment
like a sailor knows the sea
I have been down the rabbit-hole
more than I can count
So I know you need someone too
You're lost in an echo
of what I used to be

I don’t know what I’m searching for
May be I’ve got it all wrong
but I know one thing for sure
I won’t come back empty handed
I will find you a phantom
to hang in your room while you sleep
to protect you from the monster
under your bed.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


I close my eyes and count one to ten
I pretend that all is okay
dragging myself to a common ground
I say those words that make me cry
Promises mean everything
to give me a glimpse of happiness
to give me a focal point
to keep me alive
Behind closed eyes
I can hang on for a better tomorrow
I can brush off misfortune
I can be everything
I want to be 
my will is in overdrive
I dream big
but when I open my eyes
It doesn't come easy
all I have left are dreams
It's like fighting the wind
the more I hope
the more it actually sucks
From where I'm standing
Everything is lost

Sunday, January 13, 2013


I'm going under
Like a virgin sacrifice,
I lay my body out
on a slaughtering board
How do I know you're not far away?
I'm holding your hand
but I know you're not here
We've been pretending for so long
Tell me something
But I don't want you to answer
yet I want to know so badly
probably it will hurt less
Tell me the day you fell out of love with me
Please don't say
I will just hurt more
I need you here
I need you now
Let us return to our old times
like nothing happened
I will even use this broken glass
to write your name across my heart
across every part of me.
I want you here
You can't leave me.
Hey Valentine over there
are you going to mend my heart?
You said you wouldn't want to see me heart broken
but what's this pain tightening in my chest?
Now I'm running blindfold
like a fool I shout against love
Because of you I'm down again
like you're eyes were close when you
when you promised me forever.
I need to run out of here
go anywhere else but near you
I need to find my peace to live
to lick my wound dry
What am I looking for?
This earth is virtual
there's nothing real under the sun
I want to awaken from this inception
to see what my life is really like
In this space....
I chase dreams is grasping the wind
it provides me no hope
it permits me no optimistic isolations
of what I have and what I have to do
but abundantly grants me pain
Strange tides drew me to your shore
welcoming like the white sands under my feet
I bid myself to stay
to find I'm standing in your presence
He bid my heart rest well
I say whatever!
No one can tell me if we have heaven
No one can tell me if angels' tears are for me
I'm a doll made of glass
owned by a careless child
She hold me by my neck
my feet scratching the floor
The ankles are gone
Forget me like yesterday
because am just a speck of dust
just passing through


you just crept in
I almost didn't see you
I had had such little hope in you
I had had such little zeal to live
I had actually not made any resolutions
but you showed me that
there's more to this than just the end

the year of the apocalypse
the year I lived
the year of party crashing
the year of pizza hunting
the year of taking risks
the year of first times
the year of death 
the year of babies
the year that almost sucked
the year I graduated
the year that rocked
the year of new hope
Good bye and good night.