Sunday, January 13, 2013


I'm going under
Like a virgin sacrifice,
I lay my body out
on a slaughtering board
How do I know you're not far away?
I'm holding your hand
but I know you're not here
We've been pretending for so long
Tell me something
But I don't want you to answer
yet I want to know so badly
probably it will hurt less
Tell me the day you fell out of love with me
Please don't say
I will just hurt more
I need you here
I need you now
Let us return to our old times
like nothing happened
I will even use this broken glass
to write your name across my heart
across every part of me.
I want you here
You can't leave me.
Hey Valentine over there
are you going to mend my heart?
You said you wouldn't want to see me heart broken
but what's this pain tightening in my chest?
Now I'm running blindfold
like a fool I shout against love
Because of you I'm down again
like you're eyes were close when you
when you promised me forever.
I need to run out of here
go anywhere else but near you
I need to find my peace to live
to lick my wound dry
What am I looking for?
This earth is virtual
there's nothing real under the sun
I want to awaken from this inception
to see what my life is really like
In this space....
I chase dreams is grasping the wind
it provides me no hope
it permits me no optimistic isolations
of what I have and what I have to do
but abundantly grants me pain
Strange tides drew me to your shore
welcoming like the white sands under my feet
I bid myself to stay
to find I'm standing in your presence
He bid my heart rest well
I say whatever!
No one can tell me if we have heaven
No one can tell me if angels' tears are for me
I'm a doll made of glass
owned by a careless child
She hold me by my neck
my feet scratching the floor
The ankles are gone
Forget me like yesterday
because am just a speck of dust
just passing through


you just crept in
I almost didn't see you
I had had such little hope in you
I had had such little zeal to live
I had actually not made any resolutions
but you showed me that
there's more to this than just the end

the year of the apocalypse
the year I lived
the year of party crashing
the year of pizza hunting
the year of taking risks
the year of first times
the year of death 
the year of babies
the year that almost sucked
the year I graduated
the year that rocked
the year of new hope
Good bye and good night.