Wednesday, December 24, 2014


I would tell you the truth,
But I don’t think you could handle it
There isn't any one clear thing that
Defines exactly who I am
What I say or what I do
The truth is that I am many things
Both good and bad,
Kind and cruel,
Comforting and yet so full of despair
I am an infinite number of intricacies woven into one
I am so simple a child could understand me
I am the source of joy and pain
I am me
I am my imperfections
I am perfect.

~John O’Nolan 


Get dirty
Get fucking filthy
Get poor
Get off your ass
Get desperate
Get dangerous
Get vilified
Get vile
Get romantic
Get fucked
Get moving
Get productive
Get pro-active
Get started
Get your own life
Get doing something
Because before you know it
You’re 40 with kids,
A mortgage,
And responsibilities
That cause your fun to come second
So before cancer,
Before kids,
Before 50 hour work weeks,
Before back and knee problems,
Before school loans,
Before you lose your sense of humor…
And fuck
And run
And smile
Smile because the older you get,
The less you will
So yes, “Quit being such a goddamn pussy!”
Because bitching and whining and worrying
Never made anything better.


Monday, December 08, 2014


They say my hair is shabby, unruly
Not ladylike
I hear them but I don’t listen
They say I do nothing about it
I don’t plait the ropes or the weaves
I don’t have the bouncy Brazilian or the Indian.

I tell them this is my hair
I tell them this is how it grows
It’s short and coiled
They touch it and exclaim, “It’s so hard!”
I think to myself…if you stopped for a minute,
You would realize this is your hair too!
They don’t hear me so they don’t listen
They say, “Hair is the pride of a woman.”
And that I am no lady
I say to them, “This is my pride!”
They look, but they don’t see.
They say to me, “Observe good hair:
It’s long and straight. It’s bouncy and lustrous.”
I say to them, “There’s no bad hair.
If hair makes the owner happy, then it’s good.”

They shake their heads vigorously,
Hair falling everywhere
They say to me, “Look, that’s true pride.”
I shake mine too but my hair stays on my head
I say to them, “Look! That’s my pride!”
They look, but they don’t see
Good hair is straight and bouncy
That if I don’t have it,
Then I’m not lady enough
I say to them, “This is how I was born!”

They say it’s not good enough
That I must change
I hear, but I don’t listen
I say to them, “I am a lady.”
They look, but they don’t see
They say to me, “That’s not how a lady should be.”
I ask them, “Who told you this?”
They say to me, “Everyone knows!”

~Tracy Kobukindo

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Redeem me,
if it’s the last thing you do
I stay out all night
waiting for you
over your stone
scratching at dirt
knocking at hell’s door

Redeem me,
you took me away
with your last breath
my heart is done
You left me nothing to love
nothing to hold
a shell for the world to mock
I’m an emptiness
that knows no end

Redeem me,
I have no place to call home
to find peace
to rest my tired soul
my days are haunted
my nights are long gone
a demented lost man
I've become

Redeem me,
to live on like this
forever searching
a chasing after speeding shadows
I’m better off dead
next to you
under matching stones


I wear a smile
For the world to see
Like the colors on a clown
Just a mask
Over my deepest fears
My inner most insecurities
My darkest pains
To seem well
Just to seem strong

I wear a smile
To endure the day
To hide my ever verging tears
Not to draw unwanted questions
Those answers I will never find
So like a flag
Going only where the wind goes
Is my dead core facade

I wear a smile
To fit in with the happy norm
And that’s the closest you will come
To knowing me
To truly ever see
Who I am on the inside
Because the truth is not here. 

Friday, May 02, 2014


The world cheats those who cannot read;
I, happily, have mastered the script and pen.
The world cheats those who hold no office;
I am blessed with high official rank.
Often the old have much sickness and pain,
With me, luckily, there is not much wrong.
People when they are old are often burdened with ties;
But I have finished with marriage and giving marriage.
No changes happen to jar the quiet of the mind;
No business comes to impair the vigour of my limbs.
Hence it is that now for ten years
Body and soul have rested in hermit peace.
And all the more, in the last lingering years
What I shall need are very few things.
A single rug to warm me through the winter;
One meal to last me the whole day.
It does not matter that my house is rather small;
One cannot sleep in more than one room!
It does not matter that I have not many horses;
One cannot ride on two horses at once!
As fortunate as me among the people of the world
Possibly one would find seven out of ten.
As contented as me among a hundred men
Look as you may, you will not find one.
In the affairs of others even fools are wise;
In their own business even sages err.
To no one else would I dare to speak my heart.
So my wild words are addressed to my nephews and nieces.

~ Po Chii AD. 835.