Saturday, July 01, 2017


My demons have finally caught up with me
I chuckle at this very thought, nervously
It's absurd 
I can never outrun my true self
For a moment there,
even if it was just a glimmer in the darkness 
I never thought I could find myself back here
To this familiar casket
This emotional filth

I shake my head in defeat

It's uncanny 
how I ran to a stranger for help
The stranger was me
I was playing dress-up
Now I shade the lambskin
The familiar bitterness in this hell
engulfs me whole
I take one last look at the sun
as the darkness in my soul fits like a glove
I bask in the carnage

If we went back to the drawing board,

would you have guessed my dying day

~Evelyn Nec


Friday, January 13, 2017


I live in the staff quarters  
My part has a low roof and no ceiling
The roof with its anticlines and synclines 
keeps making that noise of expanding and contracting metal 
all day and all night
It bothers the kids on some days 
but for the most part you get used to it
almost like the beating of a heart in one's chest
This low roof makes it really hot in the day
whether it is the hot or cool season
And at night the house gets really chilly 
to a point that the roof sweats and drips on us as we sleep
Like the noise of the moving metal, 
we are most of the time used to the drips. 
But once in a while one wakes up to that cold splash
it becomes a splash once it hits the mosquito net and spreads out
So once in a while that cold spray 
brings one out of a dream and into a nightmare
Right now, the house is an oven, 
like it is usually during the day 
and we shall have a fridge in the night.
This roof has rust in parts which keeps peeling 
mostly during the day and sails down 
silently onto the floor, the beds, hair 
and sometimes into an upturned nostril
It is a very old roof
Soon all this wear and tear will leave it with holes
Many infarcts have had to be covered with bordex 
to keep real rain water out,
wonder why we bother though,
considering that it creates its own droplets in the night
But once you have lived here for a year or two, 
you get used to it all
And pay it no mind, 
till you are nude and laying on the cool tiles 
thinking about nothing in particular. 
~Amazing Storm