Saturday, March 17, 2018


Chapter 9
There was hope in this place
There was a place
I think
My memory is worse than blurry
There is a black hole now
Sucking in all that I am
Sucking in all that I was
Sucking in all that I thought I would be
Sucking in all of you 

Chapter 5
I am over here
I have always been over here
You are over there
You never move from there
Keeping your walls sky high
while you hold my hand and kiss it
I keep running to you
You keep running away
You have always run away
A chasing after the moon

Chapter 2
You once said that you are everywhere
The other day I thought I saw you
I did see you
You saw me too
I saw a flicker in your soul
But as soon as I made a step forward
It died
I saw myself vanish in your eyes
I saw myself vanish out of your life
I saw you letting me become another stranger on the street

Chapter 11
When I scream your name
There is no answer
When you scream my name
If you scream my name
I never hear you 
When I reach out
All I grasp is wind
One cannot hold the wind
Are you even there?
Or am I so damaged 
that I imagine you into existence?

~Evelyn Nec