Monday, February 04, 2019


I looked at me
I saw the pain there 
digging deep 
It's bleeding out
I leave my pain 
in everything I touch
I lose a piece of me 
in every single moment
I force a smile
I say it's okay
I can handle this
I cannot handle this
I say to myself
It's not the worst
but it is
It has never been okay
Since that day
I let the fire burn out
I let my spirit get broken
I lost sight of me
I say to myself
It's not too late
I can go back to one
I can make a new me
I say to myself I can
but I cannot 
I'm held back by claws
I sharpened myself
I say it's all in my head
but I nurtured it to grow
I fed the nothingness
that it took form
it came to life
it became me. 

~Evelyn Nec