Monday, June 29, 2020


Losing myself in rom-coms and imagination
Quarantine has made it very clear that I'm going to die alone
I'm always off the grid when it comes to modern-day romance
App meet-ups have never been my thing
I'm an awkward person and too lazy for texting
I'm still recovering from the last time I tried
Besides, it's hard work to swipe
I love photos
In fact, I love photography
But, a photo is not enough to validate a pursuit
No wonder it's difficult for me to do online shopping
I want to use all my senses when it comes to making a choice
The look, the scent, the smile, the humor, the touch, the conversation
The nails and teeth...I'm strange
What is the probability of dumping into an eligible someone 
In this small city, that probability is close to zero
Families know each other as far as the Alamo 
All men are born engaged here 
That probability is made even smaller because I'm exotic 
I lay in bed staring blankly at the ceiling, wondering...

~Evelyn Nec


Finally bought an album and sorted hundreds of photos I’ve been carrying around in a plastic bag for four years. Memories came flooding back. I spent the afternoon taking photos of photos and sharing them on our family’s WhatsApp group. We reminisced and laughed. I saw home vividly even if I know it’s no longer this way. I saw our parents happy and dad was still alive. I saw our multitudes of relatives and childhood friends who either broke off all ties or are dearly departed. I was left with an amalgam of happiness, pain, and outright disbelief of what happened. Life was so simple and fulfilling when we were young, poor, and free. 
~Evelyn Nec