Wednesday, January 05, 2022


I started writing because I loved to write

There was always something I wanted to jot down

Otherwise, I talked to myself and probably too much

I started writing to give my active imagination a base

and it was fun

Then my father passed

I started writing to not face life

I started writing to ease the pain

I started writing to give my mind some kind of formation;

a level of control 

an anchor to ground me

to save me

because I knew if I didn’t have somewhere to put myself

I was going to lose me

I started writing to run away


For over a decade, the words worked like hypnotic charms

My mind was in a constant hum

There was never a moment of silence 

There was never a moment my mind was left to wonder

There was never a moment my heart was permitted to open

There was never a moment my soul searched for clarification

There was never a moment to accept help

There was never a moment to welcome healing

But most of all, there was never a moment to mourn


One day; somewhere five years ago, 

I started hearing a chime of distant cathedral bells

This new unfamiliar sound was tolerated at first

It never overshadowed my words

So, I didn’t see it come closer

It started keeping me awake one night

Then for four

as it became louder and louder

It became distractive

It became disruptive

It became destructive

Before I knew it,

I had lost sight of me

All my walls were broken

I was fragile

I was easy prey

and my words were nowhere to be found


A lot happens in silence

The silence heard me cry for two years straight

The silence showed me that it was time to heal

It was about time to heal properly

It was about time to let go

It was about time to take footsteps forward

It was about time I stopped standing in my own way

But most of all, it was about time I mourned


It’s been two and half years since I last cried

Since my tears dissolved the ink in my diary

Since I woke up heaving with pain, anger, and frustration

Since I couldn’t bring myself to do any activity of daily living

Since I had a hard talk with myself

Since I took back the reigns of my life

Since I started walking and before I knew it, I was running

Since I started talking to my family about how I felt

Since I realized I was not alone


Just like that when I wasn’t listening

When the silence had become a wonderful companion

My words came flooding back

But this time in beautiful melodies

This was the sound of happiness

My imagination got its groove back

I started writing again for fun

I started writing again because I love to write.

~Evelyn Nec