Saturday, August 15, 2009


Little is said between us,
actually nothing is said between us.
But, I know you're there watching over every step I make, every turn I take.
I know you're there waiting to catch me when I fall,
to rub away my tears,
to embrace me when I'm scorned,
to guide me when I'm lost,
and to light my way through the darkest times.
I know you're there to love me.

But, why are you so kind to me?
All I have done is to throw it all back to you.
I have tossed and turned,
fought and screamed,
run and hidden just to shun away from you.
I have given anything to send you away,
yet at all times you've stood by me to cover me when I'm cold,
put a roof over my head when it rains,
filled my belly when I'm hungry,
and to put all my worst fears away.

Who am I for you to love me so?
You never rest till I rest,
you never dance till I'm happy,
you never give up till I have had it all,
and you never leave me even when I push you away.
Who am I to deserve you?

This is from me to you.

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