Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Of course I cry, I cry a lot,
Come on, had it been you,

this pain would have cracked your armor,

That call was uncalled for,

a total act of cowardice.

Do not worry I wouldn't have asked you to be a man

and say it in my face,
Please, you could not handle it anyway.

Well, either way it was going to hurt,

a big hell lot.
But I had healed, kinda,
from the silent treatment.
Until you ruined it all with a stupid phone call.
I had moved on, or so I told myself.
Until you hit me straight through my healing cracks!

Are you happy?

Now that you have seen the wreckage I call life!

I will heal, that's for sure,

though not today, tomorrow nor months from now.

I will heal and you better be prepared
because you will be sorry.

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