Saturday, October 30, 2010


He gets to have the best of me,
Yes, he is my very own kind of Voldermort.
One second, he is sweeping me off my feet,
and in the next he smashes me in to a wall.
But I fall for him again and again,
Like the scars are invisible.
Uh-mm...he gets to have the best of me.

He gets to have the best of me,
Yes, he was hurt by his very own kind of Cruella.
One second he was in love,
and in the next he was stabbed for it.
But he lived to tell the tale of the ugliness of love.
Now I am the punching bag.
Ouch....He gets to have the best of me.

He get to have the best of me,
Yes, I am his very own kind of Bella.
One second he hates my guts,
and in the next we are in loving embrace.
Our love is our love, unique indeed,
and for now we hold hands.
Whoa...he gets to have the best of me.

Friday, October 08, 2010


One day when I'm older,
I will look back on this time and
I will tell them all,
whoever is willing to listen
that I am grateful
for having been there.

Life is blissful in dreams,
but reality stinks!
That's the lesson I've learnt.

One day when I'm older,
I will guide you through life's bits and pieces,
I will give you all the answers
to make you living worth a while.
I will tell you not because I want to make
your life easy,

but for you to see it all coming,
to have that lesson before hand.

One day when I'm older,
I will look back on the time
I destroyed your life,

and I will make myself go mad
with thoughts of absolution,

because I would have let you in
on the secrets of life
way before your time
leaving you with nothing to live for.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010


I love love actually,
the idea is not completely pedantious,
Someone to lay down the world before you,
to love you and say they do,
to caress and share with you,
to care for you,
and stand by your side against all odds...
No, indeed the idea isn't bad after all...
the mimicry is!

Composed by...
Tracy Kobukindo


Hold me closer Yeit,
I can't talk.

Take my hand in yours for one last time,
Kiss it just the way you used to,
Look me in the eyes with your sapphire gaze
and call me "Baby"

I will not cry,
I will suffer no guilt,

A hundred years of not knowing you
would have meant nothing.

I met ecstasy in your eyes,
I felt love in your touch,
I found peace in your presence.
If I say I didn't love you,
then I will be lying.

Hold me closer Yeit,
I'm cold,

Look me in the eyes
and say that it meant something to you.

Do not let me go away in doubt
because I don't want to beat myself just to kill it all.

I want to be with you here;
in a reality so pure
and there; in heavenly bliss.

That is the ultimate prize for a winner, right?
An everlasting love
brighter than the hope for tomorrow.

Give me strength to cross over,
To go way with a never ending joy.
Time with you has been worth the flow
despite the bumps.

If you say that you didn't love me,
then I'm better off dead!

Saturday, October 02, 2010


I can't say I feel lost
because that's not what it is.

I feel...

I have tried to focus my mind on something...
anything that can trigger an ounce of emotion,
But...all is nil,
Joy can't curve my lips,
Misery can't moisten my eyes,
Love can't soften my heart,
Fear can't shake my soul!
It's like am standing in front of a mirror with no reflection,
No life...
disowned by my very soul

What has become of me?!