Friday, October 08, 2010


One day when I'm older,
I will look back on this time and
I will tell them all,
whoever is willing to listen
that I am grateful
for having been there.

Life is blissful in dreams,
but reality stinks!
That's the lesson I've learnt.

One day when I'm older,
I will guide you through life's bits and pieces,
I will give you all the answers
to make you living worth a while.
I will tell you not because I want to make
your life easy,

but for you to see it all coming,
to have that lesson before hand.

One day when I'm older,
I will look back on the time
I destroyed your life,

and I will make myself go mad
with thoughts of absolution,

because I would have let you in
on the secrets of life
way before your time
leaving you with nothing to live for.

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