Friday, December 17, 2010


If you think that I will turn
and run in the opposite direction
just because you say so...
think again!
I happen to still be standing on my own two feet...
but not broken.
I do not hate you
coz my heart is crowded with better feelings.
You failed to make an impact on me then,
now can't change my good naturedness.
But that doesn't mean I feel nothing for you,
I do....pity
and a big hell lot of it
coz I know of your suffering,
I know you cry yourself to sleep,
I know food is a dear fetish of yours,
I know you send yourself letters to feel loved,
I know you don't like the person you see in the mirror,
I know all your deep dark secrets...
You are a solitary fool
Your emotion deficiency makes
you think that time is still
that pain is the only way to feel stronger
to feel something...anything
and then you wonder why you have no friends.
I am not here to teach you a lesson
you've failed to learn from those wiser than me
I am here to tell you that if you hurt a hair on my head...
I am going to tell my mother!!!

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