Monday, February 14, 2011


I'm a spoilt canvas because so many artists
have come to show off their talents
and forgotten to layer me with a new white.
Now among the primary, secondary,
and tertiary colors
is my shuddering self
The me they spoilt inside.
A new brush on my surface only
unfolds the turmoil in me
A decent black can't curtain my suicidal sorrow.
They pushed beyond redemption.
In my life, they are a nail in the head,
In their lives, I never cross their minds
because I'm dirt, easily beaten off.
They left me a spoilt canvas
This scar is branded on my soul's blue print
in a capital...

Wednesday, February 09, 2011


You cut me off the tree
and threw me into the sea
that's when it came to me
that you'll never love me

I always put you first
My happiness fell behind
'cuz my anticipations ruled
that you'll one day love me

My heart would lose its tune
each time you came around
fantasies drowned my years
that you'll one day love me

Even when I gave my life
that day when you collapsed
behind the wheel
I only thought of you
that you'll one day love me

As words die on my lips
and waters make way for me
I decline the fight to live
'cuz you'll never love me

Monday, February 07, 2011


As I stood in the mental asylum,
I realized that one thing was certain
I oddly understood why they were the way they were,
de-touched from reality
Because of late I have been hearing the whispers in the walls,
seeing the non-existing,
shrieking my lungs out at invisible crawlers.
No, I know not of the golden brew,
not cannabis so intoxicating,
neither sniffed the white dust...
yet I present just like them.
Do I then deserve to be called mad?
I am not depersonalized nor de-realized
and my behavior is not ticking off the last nerve of others.
So, it's fit to say that I am just unwell.

Thursday, February 03, 2011


Choose me...
I know the code to your safe
just in case you intend on leaving me broke;
I hate football but will watch the matches with you
keeping in mind that you watch with me all reality shows and cartoons;
Her boobies may be big and round but mine are small and firm
so you will never feel flaps of skin when age makes us grow fonder;
I won't pretend to love your dog because I find bulldogs uuuuugggggllllyyyy.

Choose me...
I don't do sports but I will support you on your gym visits
on condition that you go shopping with me
coz that's the sport I do best;
Her IQ may be high but I don't need that much to sustain a conversation;
She is a vegan but carnivores are happier!!!
I don't do mummy meaning I don't cook, no laundry, no tea-parties and birthdays
coz I know how to satisfy a man without enslaving myself.

Choose me...
I am dishonest so get to know that a few lies
keep the divorce attorney away;
I have no nagging relatives so don't except me to hurt my cheeks
just to smile at your mother;
Her skin may be fair and soft to touch
but I was made by God not by some surgeon in Beverly Hills;
I don't play monkey so don't expect me to speak in tongues
when we meet with your pastor.
I'm Jewish!

Choose me...
She wears tight clothes to keep you interested,
I wear baggy jeans and t-shirts to keep you guessing;
I will take responsibility for my wrongs meaning...
I will yell the roof off when you piss me off!
I will not hang on your hand like a tumor because
I have so many more important things to do;
Lastly, I'm the choice against all odds...
Choose me.