Friday, March 25, 2011


Merilyn Shepadeen fell in love with a boy
The boy fell in love with Merilyn Shepadeen
For 2 years they held hands,
looked in to each others' eyes and the world fell behind
He was her Alfa and Omega
But the boy had a crack in his trust
Not long a day came when that foundation was tested
Merilyn Shepadeen was left alone.

Merilyn Shepadeen remained in love with the boy
As years built sky scrapers of her life,
She buried herself in to the world of luxury
Anything to keep her from hurting
She made friends with booze, drugs,
and sleeping with hitched men
Merilyn Shepadeen kissed so many frogs.

Merilyn Shepadeen had moved on when
the boy called one evening
Listening to his words about missing her,
wanting her, loneliness...seeking absolution
brought her back running.
Merilyn Shepadeen dropped all that she had acquired
in seven years and eloped with the boy
For two months, no questions were asked
save for those their bodies demanded
She was in love again
But the boy had an entirely new agenda
Merilyn Shepadeen didn't see this coming.

Merilyn Shepadeen was broken
The boy turned out to have acquired the ways of a seducer
He toyed with her heart and
imprisoned her with dreams of happily-ever-after
The damage was done by the time
he let her in on the arrangements of his upcoming nuptials
Merilyn Shepadeen was numb to all that happened there after.

Merilyn Shepadeen sealed her heart away in a place so cold
She spent her days dancing with thunder
and her nights knocking on hell's doors
As the months gathered dust on every flat surface in her house,
so did the number of scars at her wrists
She deluded herself with what-ifs
until the devil himself answered her call
Merilyn Shepadeen took her life at a tender age of 25.

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