Friday, August 12, 2011


I can tell you're slipping away
When I hold your hand the tingling is gone
When I kiss your lips the fire is gone
In your eyes the glitter is dimming
and at your neck the pulse is decelerating
I know now you're gone
words can't sink it in farther
Our connection hanging by a thread
I will not fight this fate
for destiny is not a friend of mine
and a stranger you will soon become
I will watch you go
the ache in my heart will kill me
but that will not show on my face
I will smile as we agree to just be friends
but deep down I know you know
that is going to remain in words

Once you lock that door
you're out of my life forever
I will brave the aftermath of a heartbreak
for time can heal all wounds
especially now that you're gone.

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