Tuesday, April 24, 2012

AS I GET OLDER (a poem under contruction)

As I get older, 
I see more clearly, but not with my eyes.
I hear more sharply, but not with my ears.
I smell more ripely, but not with my nose...

As I get older,
I see more clearly, but not with my eyes.
I hear more sharply, but not with my ears.
I touch more intimately, but not with my finger...

As I get older,
I see more clearly, but not with my eyes.
I hear more sharply, but not with my ears.
I love more deeply, but not with my penis...

As I get older,
I see more clearly, but not with my eyes.
I hear more sharply, but not with my ears.
I think more better, but not with my brain... my head... noggin...

As I get older, I see more clearly,

1st Aired: 09 December 2010

Monday, April 02, 2012


Days of the year are the same
They pass by like the wind
like the bird that flew passed the window
and never seen again
They leave nothing significant
It's like we're held on strings
by a professional puppeteer
Yesterday and the days before that
are all dissolved in a blur of memories
We know we were there
We know we lived
History and science can prove that
but that doesn't change the fact
that even those days we thought would matter
already set sail with the wind
out of our very own minds
on a crash course to the burning sun of dementia
As days piles up under the wrinkles of time
as the end draws near,
we realize that....
this life is a lie.


My parents designed my days as I grew up
Teachers instilled their values in me at school
Friends suggested what was cool
and trashed what they thought wasn't
The government decides what I should have
and threatens to arrest me when I act contrary
The so-called developed world programs me
through my parents,
through my teachers,
through my friends,
and through my government.
The developed world programs parenting,
education, health, fashion, governance...
You name it.
I'm tried.
I'm not a robot....
I'm a rebel!!!

Written: Martha Nabadda
Edited: Evelyn446