Tuesday, April 24, 2012

AS I GET OLDER (a poem under contruction)

As I get older, 
I see more clearly, but not with my eyes.
I hear more sharply, but not with my ears.
I smell more ripely, but not with my nose...

As I get older,
I see more clearly, but not with my eyes.
I hear more sharply, but not with my ears.
I touch more intimately, but not with my finger...

As I get older,
I see more clearly, but not with my eyes.
I hear more sharply, but not with my ears.
I love more deeply, but not with my penis...

As I get older,
I see more clearly, but not with my eyes.
I hear more sharply, but not with my ears.
I think more better, but not with my brain... my head... noggin...

As I get older, I see more clearly,

1st Aired: 09 December 2010

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