Thursday, May 31, 2012


It's like a dream
your words of promise
How I've longed
to hear you say them
to actually think
that you can genuinely care
But a thief,
I know you've become
I've been here before
but how fast you make me forget
You seem to bring me back
like a sock following the wind
Powerless to a past
wondering what it would have been
lost to all the present
like a veteran of war
I know this sweet place
I know these irresistible dreams
I know the retarding hope
in the words you say
But most of all,
I know you are not the man
I fell desperately in love with
You're soul's purpose is to get
to leave no stone unturned
to leave no happy tears
to leave no faith in love
You're just out to snatch
what's left of me.

Friday, May 11, 2012


a simple smile;
a happy smile
a sad smile
a loving smile
a sexy smile
a lip smile
a beautiful smile
a proud smile
a lucky smile
a satisfied smile
an amused smile
a cheesy smile
Just smile

a complex smile;
a lamenting smile
a naught smile
a cheer-up smile
a body smile
an angry smile
a mean smile
a fake/botox smile
a sarcastic smile
Just smile

a ruling smile;
an I'm-the-boss smile
an I-know-it-all smile
a thoughtful smile
a contrive smile
a sparkles-in-the-eyes smile
a confident smile
a contented smile
a winner smile
Just smile
It's the window to your soul.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012


Coming home
depressed again
throwing things in random places
collapsing on my knees
and crying
Turning my mind to stone
to protect my heart
from driving away 
what's left of me

I'm floored
because I wasn't looking up
wishing I could just break
staring throughout the night
at a loss of interest in the the world
with no one to break the silence
counting on thoughts of a different story
desperately wishing it could go away
wishing my world could stop turning

Lying in bed,
alone like all the times before
talking to the shadows
lingering in the darkness
I don't like this feeling
to lack satisfying personal resources
to be preoccupied by own thoughts
I'm permanently disabled to trust again 
yet, I'm too weak to stop yearning
Honestly, I'm not over you.