Wednesday, July 29, 2009


He taps my door, calling out softly,
"Ramses, Ramses, open the door."
I curl up in the corner,
widely eying the moving knob.

I am shaken to no color.
I am not ready.
I am not ready for the other side.

He hits my door, calling out loudly,
"Ramses, Ramses, open the door!"
I hold my knees tightly to my chest,
biting very hard into my lower lip.

My heart is too loud.
It is hurting my ears.
I cannot breathe.

He bangs my door, calling out angrily,
"Ramses, Ramses, open the door!"
I know that tone,
it weakens me,
it scares me.

I want to go but my legs are shaking terribly.
I support myself on the wall,
but keep falling.

I stay put 

feeling betrayed by my own body
but most of all 
feeling ashamed that I was about to give in.

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