Thursday, February 23, 2012


I'm standing here waiting for Cupid again
My dreams all paralyzed
because an angel took my love away
Crying silently each night
Standing in the ferocity of a love lost
Sometimes when I close my eyes
I wish it could all just disappear
But what I really want is to get up and scream
I want to run away like I never knew you
Yet I find myself following you among the shadows
trying to understand why you're so cruel
I walked on the sidelines of your life
until you threw me in the open road
So don't ask why I have sad eyes
It's hard to take courage after a heart breaks
I will hurt less with time though
because now I know nothing has ever been
built to last.
The truth is we made such a good story
the reality is we have no great ending


I don't quiet know how I got here
I don't quite know why I'm giving up
I'm losing instinct
Days pass me by
Dreaming with open eyes
Waiting on the edge of the unknown
I fooled everyone
now look what I've become
A stranger in my own reflection
I wish I could just close my eyes
and slip away...
I don't want more time
Time will not make me stronger
Yet I'm so afraid
that with a world full of people
I will die alone.

Title inspiration : Tracy Kob

Friday, February 10, 2012


Look at you walking around
like you know who I am
Spreading lies over my existence
This fight I can't win
but before you put
the last dust over my head
Take a walk with me to the other side.
Take a breath
Close your eyes
then count 1 to 3
You've got to trust
in the velocity of your heart
that you will survive.
Now take that leap over the edge
You will see it too
Don't accept the projection of your time-line
there's no comfort in regret
Now you know
where I am
between falling and a hard place.
So stop pointing fingers
You're not any holier than me
Finding fault in my troubled mind
will not save you from the same fate.
Now you feel it too
the uncontrollable adrenaline rush
Everything moving so fast
Falling to a spluttering death
Now you know you're not a God
Stop fighting
and learn to accept me
for who I am
but not the monster you created.

Thursday, February 02, 2012


My reasons to live
are slowly fading
slowly painting black
over and over
my courage
my warmth.

I see my demise
simple and fast
Colder I fall
My eyes glassy
down below I spin
over and over.

There are no stars
to this story
I don't care
I don't feel a thing
I've never felt
over and over

Darkness woos me
smoky forms dancing
over and over
I shed a tear
I give in
My reasons to live gone.