Friday, March 02, 2012


Come on,
Let us get out of here
they don't want us any more
their words are no longer whispers
their eyes are no longer kind
their actions are no longer gentle
Let us run away and not look back
let us leave this place like we never knew it
Their faith is so unclear
their hearts are so burdened
We can't fake this.

Let us break the cycle
Let us elope and never return.

Come on,
let us be good
we can embrace this
let us be the first to know
the happiness in true living
following the light into the sunset.
telling stories to strangers
along this path we're deserting
may be we will save a life.
Run off with me in to the horizon
I'm tired of the rain over my head
I'm tired of the guilt in my heart.

Come on,
I can't take the madness
I can't face the hurt
because I'm not attached to this place
any more
We can control our future
I have a choice
You have a choice
Please, elope with me
Don't think
just break the cycle

and remember.....
Don't keep me waiting,
I can go on without you.

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