Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I feel my heart breaking again
and eyes fill with tears waiting to be cried
I spent lonely months as an outcast to your heart
screaming out for you to let me in
I tried so hard to be a person you could love
but I guess playing nice has a fail at some point
All I wanted was to be a part of you
But, I got the inception of what my life could have been
A seat on the shelf of eligible girlfriends
I got memories from a broken past
I had hoped that this once you could be on my side
I had hoped that you could look at me differently
I had hoped that you could love me
Oh, how love can lie!
I'm letting go
I'm letting you fly free
hoping you find what you're looking for
I'm willing myself to hurt
because I know the pain won't last
I'm staying here with my big heart
that never learns when to stop chasing love
that never knows when to stop believing.

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