Friday, April 16, 2010


I have resigned to saying and doing nothing;
I prefer dealing with a better class of ideologies;
I am tired of the ancient,
for there is nothing new under the sun.
I am at the point of self actualization;
I have seen the pain and the joy;
I have seen the tears and the laughter;
I have seen the world on both sides of the rich and the poor;
I have been places, there and back;
I have read books small, big, old and concocted;
I have seen thousands of days through winter, summer,
autumn, spring, drought and famine;
I have seen the wrath of wars lost and fruits of wars won;
I have seen new life and dying life;
I have tasted all concoctions of food man can come up with;
I have loved and been loved;
I have been a faithful victim to drugs, alcohol, smoking,
and all other things man can master;
I have hated, punished, blessed, celebrated achievements,
been taken away by the talons of jealousy and adhered to deceit;
I have seen the wonders and miseries of work, marriage and children;

I have seen it all and I am TIRED!!!
But if I go in to my cocoon of self-induced withdrawal from life,
I will miss out on life;
for even if the stars do not change...LIFE DOES;
I have just lived.
My cup is half empty or half full;
whatever the case my be.

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