Wednesday, April 07, 2010


My navy blue sky has no stars;
blank like an endless hole it looks back at me.
My chest tightens and a huge lump forms in my throat;
Forgive me for I might give up and cry
because the misery of it all is unbearable;
to know that there is no star to shine for you;
to know that your sky will always be a plain facade;
for it will give you no joy nor hope;
no will to hang on nor the strength;
no way forward nor the power of choice.
It's like looming the earth with nothing to live for,
with nothing for you to look at and say;
"That's mine and I'm proud of it!"
Sheer emptiness of the soul,
that no matter how much you scream,
no one will hear you.
Until the end of time, you look up at the sky
and all you see is how it cries for you
on everything you do and...
It will be blank.

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