Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I always think to myself
that if the devil took someone's heart
and they wanted me dead;
I would tell them
not to shoot me through the head,

because I do not want to go to
the grave without them...

my memories.
It is the only thing
I am permitted to take with me...

to take with me to the darkness.
When my last breath is taken,
when my last word is spoken,
when my time has stopped,
I will have them,
the memories of the life I had,
the people I loved,
the tears I cried,
the successes I achieved.
I will have those memories good or bad,
For it is only the memories
that will keep me going

as I wait for the day
I will see the gleam of the light again.

The dead do dream...
about you and me.

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