Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I SEE...

I see me,
I see you,

I see us...


I see me,

I see you,

I see us...

I see me,

I see you,

I see us...

holding hands.

I see me,

I see you,

I see us...


I see me,

I see you,
I see us...

I see me,

I see you,

I see us...


I see me,

I see you,

I see us...

no more.

Friday, May 27, 2011


As I walked through the valley of death
I realized that all I have lived was a lie
Now I'm faced with my worst enemy
with nothing for a weapon
with no help
with no light
with no strength

As I start this fight
I know I'm good for death
My hands are sweating
my legs are shaking
my sight is leaving
my heart is racing
my breathe is choking
I'm a sorry excuse for an opponent
to a foe as great as death

As I set my soul for war
I look back for one last time at the mirage 
I called life
Their smiles,
their hopes,
their dreams,
their love
all shining brighter than I've ever seen
My life in hand
fragile like a fawn
I have to protect you
Life is not crystal clear
no one will give you the key to its doors
there is no manual on how to live
but one rule:
"Keep your head above the waters"

I turn back to my foe with a whole new understanding
with a strength unknown to even myself.
I charge with a might of a warrior
Heaven smiles down on me
This decision I could only reach by myself
to fight for my life in hand
As I walked through the valley of death,
I feared no evil.

Monday, May 23, 2011


I'm building a titanium cage for myself
with fibers of steel
I need all the power in the heavens
to keep me confined.
because he is out there...
waiting for me
the Son of Delilah.
He is like one of them masquerades,
with eyes of a cheater,
mouth of a liar,
hands of a seducer,
and a body to die for.
He's calling unto me without words,
He's wooing me without actions
My body is aching with wanting,
beads of sweat forming abundantly.
The pit of my stomach is getting warmer
I scratch myself with hopes that pain
will snatch me out of this lust hole.
Save me!
but please...don't let me out of this prison
I will devour you like a savage beast.
You Son of Jezebel,
you bring out the demon in me
Please stay way from me.
I need an exorcist
This lust is serious
it's extraterrestrial!

Friday, May 20, 2011


There is a place
where I come from,
where I took my first steps
A yellow house faces the evening sun
daring it
to sip through its thick walls
The birds, the trees,
and the grass below
can never match this perfect stone.
Who built it?
Mr. J.D
A man I knew more than just a father
He was also my friend
He saw to it
that I never cried
He saw to it
that I desired nothing more
The stars, the moon
and the skies above
have never seen this perfect love
I curse this world,
I curse this place
For this man is no more.

Friday, May 13, 2011


I spend my days with no purpose
because I'm dead right to my core
I'm saddened by each rising sun

The pointless hours I spend in bed

are not for sleep

because even dreams deserted me
There's no excitement in this life

I'm forced to endure

Nothing to look forward to,

not even a challenge to set the fires with in me ablaze
That I'm reduced to envying dust

for it's purpose seems greater than mine;
to go where the wind blows.

I'm stuck here in this hopeless blur
without a purpose.
I'm nothing but a corpse.

Inspired by:
Tracy Kob

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Leave me alone in this maze
I need to find my way home
I don't need your help
I don't need another soul to save
This madness I built with my own two hands
But, I need you to be there at the end of the tunnel
to be my flicker of hope
when I finally come through,
moulted out of my old self
Leave me alone in this maze
I need to search for me.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011


You make the devil cease being
a mythical beast

You standing over there with an evil grin
on that shapeless thing you call a face
Your burning eyes
have followed me around like prey
drilling holes in my back

waiting for an opening in my moment of weakness

to find shelter in my soul,
to cause havoc in my life.

Your presence in my domicile

was known way before you took shape
Your demonic pressure
straining down on my shoulders
But you have misjudged my leanness for weakness

because in all this bone

there is the will;

the will to fight for righteousness,

the will to live a life as clean as possible

Throwing diminutive gifts my way

cannot bend my trust in The One above
Laugh away while you still can

I think...
I'm about to bury a hatchet in you head!!!

Monday, May 02, 2011


I am a hide tightly stretched
out over a hollow wood
When beaten right,
I produce a dance-able beat
My master knows just how to get
you off your feet.
The beat is highest near the edges
and lowest at the center
Although my master never sings,
I sing so well when my master drums me happy
Him and I are the epitome of the art of music

But, someone put a hole in me one night
Someone with a blue-green envy
My master was sad
and the shock failed to sink for a few days
Pity was showered over his shoulders by loved ones
The promise of a replacement
brought a smile to his tired face
and a hope for new beats on my savaged surface
But the replacement was not a hide for me
it was a new drum for my master

I was cast away like something evil
and from the stores of old things sentenced to burning
among the rats and cockroaches
I heard him sing
my master was singing again
with no trace of missing me
His tone was soft,
his drumming was beautiful.
Something he had only done when I was new
But I was happy that he was back to his old self

My judgement day came fast
that morning unknown faces cleaned out the stores
all my rodent friends were killed
and scraps burned
I was put aside by a hand I knew too well
the owner of the blue-green envy
I had almost died from waiting for my turn to touch the flames
when it dawned on me that I was not meant for death
The monster took me away
my screams falling on deaf ears.

When my master sensed the burning, he ran to the site
"Where is my drum?!" he bellowed
A shaky finger pointed at the ashes
"We thought you did not like it any more"
"I was making money for a hide for my drum" he cried.
"He has died thinking I had disowned him."
He broke down and let his grown man tears flow
leaving tracks in ashes supposedly mine.