Friday, May 27, 2011


As I walked through the valley of death
I realized that all I have lived was a lie
Now I'm faced with my worst enemy
with nothing for a weapon
with no help
with no light
with no strength

As I start this fight
I know I'm good for death
My hands are sweating
my legs are shaking
my sight is leaving
my heart is racing
my breathe is choking
I'm a sorry excuse for an opponent
to a foe as great as death

As I set my soul for war
I look back for one last time at the mirage 
I called life
Their smiles,
their hopes,
their dreams,
their love
all shining brighter than I've ever seen
My life in hand
fragile like a fawn
I have to protect you
Life is not crystal clear
no one will give you the key to its doors
there is no manual on how to live
but one rule:
"Keep your head above the waters"

I turn back to my foe with a whole new understanding
with a strength unknown to even myself.
I charge with a might of a warrior
Heaven smiles down on me
This decision I could only reach by myself
to fight for my life in hand
As I walked through the valley of death,
I feared no evil.

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