Thursday, August 30, 2012


I walked in tatatata
He told me ssshhhhh!
My wife is in the kitchen
doing tokotoko on the gas
I smiled at him :)
He smiled at me :)
We rushed through the
back door ssshhhuuuu!!!
with car keys kling kling
the car started silently voom voom
then picked up VOOM VOOM!!!
bringing his mad wife to the window
yelling %&*&^%$#$#@!
We laughed so hard HAHAHAHA!
and sped off ZZZZOOOMMM!
The bass stereo was on full blast hard metal
doom doom dalala doom doom dalala
We were loving it kiss kiss mwah mmwwaaahh
We didn't hear the trailer peeeebeee
and before we knew it BANG!
I woke up in hospital ouch and OUCH!
everywhere bandaged weewuu weewuu
My boyfriend sat at the bedside snoring
Saliva dripping on to the floor tototo
I was disgusted eewww!
Then my man's wife came Oh shit!
I cringed in bed Oh no!
She held a photo of his casket in my face
and I was like MAAAMAAA NO!
She said Uh ha, you saved me a lot
did you know am the sole proprietor?
I was like UH?
She was like hmmm, he forgot to mention that.
I was like *&^$#$#@!
She smiled at me :D
I eyed her :"(
She walked away tatatata
I turned to my boyfriend
and he was still zzz ZZZ ZZZZZ!!!
I jeered ssssswwwwwwwwtttt!
He left me nothing!!!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


I sit among the roses for you
they were your favorite

Red, white, yellow, orange, pink
and a seldom seen blue

You planted them with your bare hands,
sweating under the scorching sun,

not paying heed to the thorns,

because you knew of the wonders
in its blossom
you knew of the beauty in a single rose

I sit in this thorn bush
because it's the sweat of your hands

it harbors memories of you

your smile so loving

your eyes so bright

your protection strength

your love unending

and you just you
planting roses
around the house
around our hearts

I sit among the roses

because I am your rose

I will make your dreams come true

I will pass on your name

I will make you proud

I will plant more roses

but most of all....

I'm going to ensure that

Your Legacy Lives On!

We miss you Dad,
We miss you so much :"(

your daughters; SON, SIN, NBS, GON, WHAMN and NEC

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Time makes no sense.
Now it’s here, then it’s gone
it vanishes like a thief in the dark.
Days are shorter,
Nights are shortest
My schedule is crowded
My mind is confused
I spend hours trying to have things done
I spend days doing nothing
All seems important
All seems to have deadlines now
All is scattered on the floor
I can’t pick it all up
I’m drained with conflicting loyalties
My organizer committed suicide
My timetable ran off with the wind
Too much to be done in too little time
Life is long when chasing dreams
Life is short when chasing shadows
I’m scared death will call my name too soon
I’m more scared that even if I’m given 100 years,
I won’t get anything done.


I laugh, I yell
I sing , I dance

I want, I get

I seek, I find

I love, I hate

I praise, I scold
I curse, I nag

I shame, I hurt

I smile, I cry

I procrastinate, I lie

I forgive, I forget

I gossip, I backbite

I spend, I mise

I kiss, I tell

I fume, I sink

I fight, I lose

I whine, I weep

I win, I boast

I hug, I comfort

I wish, I dream

I plan, I fail

I move, I heal

I promise, I abandon
I crush, I stalk
I live, I die
I am
I am me.

Monday, August 06, 2012


Tell me what you know about life's many mysteries
Tell me what you know about the night life and immorality
Tell me what you know about dreams and cheap money
Tell me what you know about lost hopes and insanity
Tell me what you know about earning on your back
Tell me what you know about the easy way to happiness
Tell me what you know about the red-light district
Tell me what you know about diseases and rubber
Tell me what you know about con artists and pick pockets
Tell me what you know about whores and assholes
Tell me what you know about drunkards for parents
Tell me what you know about cocaine and tequilas
Tell me what you know about clubs that never close
Tell me what you know about people who never sleep
Tell me what you know about clubs and regrettable hook-ups
Tell me what you know about beauty and prostitution
Tell me what you know about about cross-generation sex
Tell me what you know about dark corners and rapists
Tell me what you know about mobs and the darkness
Tell me what you know about night duty and hustlers
Tell me what you know about teenagers and gangsters
Tell me what you know about orgies and guilt
Tell me what you know about the morning after pill
Tell me what you know about the children of tomorrow
Tell me what you know about this life we are living.


I lay in bed
without sleep
I think of a story
without compassion
I build sand castles
but they all tumble down
I count sheep
without an end to numbers
I think of a lullaby
without a tune
I summon dreams
on a weak spell
I find a posture
without comfort
I close my eyes
over a psychotic mind
I twist and turn
without tiring
I yearn for quiet
with the ticking clock
I dream of rest
with eyes wide open
I can't sleep
because I worry too much
about not sleeping.