Monday, August 06, 2012


I lay in bed
without sleep
I think of a story
without compassion
I build sand castles
but they all tumble down
I count sheep
without an end to numbers
I think of a lullaby
without a tune
I summon dreams
on a weak spell
I find a posture
without comfort
I close my eyes
over a psychotic mind
I twist and turn
without tiring
I yearn for quiet
with the ticking clock
I dream of rest
with eyes wide open
I can't sleep
because I worry too much
about not sleeping.

1 comment:

  1. Sleepless in Wongzville!

    I lay in bed, tossing and turning,
    Thinking of the time you lay in my arms.
    Time flies so fast, just yesterday we were together,
    Now it is just a fleeting memory!
    I cant sleep, i cant sleep!
