Wednesday, August 15, 2012


I sit among the roses for you
they were your favorite

Red, white, yellow, orange, pink
and a seldom seen blue

You planted them with your bare hands,
sweating under the scorching sun,

not paying heed to the thorns,

because you knew of the wonders
in its blossom
you knew of the beauty in a single rose

I sit in this thorn bush
because it's the sweat of your hands

it harbors memories of you

your smile so loving

your eyes so bright

your protection strength

your love unending

and you just you
planting roses
around the house
around our hearts

I sit among the roses

because I am your rose

I will make your dreams come true

I will pass on your name

I will make you proud

I will plant more roses

but most of all....

I'm going to ensure that

Your Legacy Lives On!

We miss you Dad,
We miss you so much :"(

your daughters; SON, SIN, NBS, GON, WHAMN and NEC

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