Friday, December 17, 2010


If you think that I will turn
and run in the opposite direction
just because you say so...
think again!
I happen to still be standing on my own two feet...
but not broken.
I do not hate you
coz my heart is crowded with better feelings.
You failed to make an impact on me then,
now can't change my good naturedness.
But that doesn't mean I feel nothing for you,
I do....pity
and a big hell lot of it
coz I know of your suffering,
I know you cry yourself to sleep,
I know food is a dear fetish of yours,
I know you send yourself letters to feel loved,
I know you don't like the person you see in the mirror,
I know all your deep dark secrets...
You are a solitary fool
Your emotion deficiency makes
you think that time is still
that pain is the only way to feel stronger
to feel something...anything
and then you wonder why you have no friends.
I am not here to teach you a lesson
you've failed to learn from those wiser than me
I am here to tell you that if you hurt a hair on my head...
I am going to tell my mother!!!

Tuesday, December 07, 2010


I learned to love;
and to love alone.
I learned to love
without the heart warming embrace;
without the daily calls;
without the expensive diners and gifts;
without the handsome face and breath-taking physique;
without the numerous promises on candle lit nights;
without the roses so red;
without all day texts;
without the sunset kissing;
without the surprises on midnight rides;
without the hope that you will always be there;
I do not need you to give me the world
because I learned to love;
and to love you alone

Thursday, November 11, 2010


There is this feeling in my soul,
the one of lost sleep on a work day.
My thinking is not clouded...

but my emotions are,
I'm like a woman scorned,
my look is worse than by bite.
Whoever has business with me today
is in for a beating of a life time.
Let no one assume
I will oblige to apologies.

My heart was not cut out of softness...
at least not today.

This feeling might last for a week or two,
So I'm staying away
from all those who claim to have ties with me.

I hate the vulnerability that comes with love.
Moving on...
I'm going to hurt someone today...

that's for sure
because fire is treated with fire.
This feeling in my soul yawns for pain...
not blood,
but that is still an option...

Saturday, October 30, 2010


He gets to have the best of me,
Yes, he is my very own kind of Voldermort.
One second, he is sweeping me off my feet,
and in the next he smashes me in to a wall.
But I fall for him again and again,
Like the scars are invisible.
Uh-mm...he gets to have the best of me.

He gets to have the best of me,
Yes, he was hurt by his very own kind of Cruella.
One second he was in love,
and in the next he was stabbed for it.
But he lived to tell the tale of the ugliness of love.
Now I am the punching bag.
Ouch....He gets to have the best of me.

He get to have the best of me,
Yes, I am his very own kind of Bella.
One second he hates my guts,
and in the next we are in loving embrace.
Our love is our love, unique indeed,
and for now we hold hands.
Whoa...he gets to have the best of me.

Friday, October 08, 2010


One day when I'm older,
I will look back on this time and
I will tell them all,
whoever is willing to listen
that I am grateful
for having been there.

Life is blissful in dreams,
but reality stinks!
That's the lesson I've learnt.

One day when I'm older,
I will guide you through life's bits and pieces,
I will give you all the answers
to make you living worth a while.
I will tell you not because I want to make
your life easy,

but for you to see it all coming,
to have that lesson before hand.

One day when I'm older,
I will look back on the time
I destroyed your life,

and I will make myself go mad
with thoughts of absolution,

because I would have let you in
on the secrets of life
way before your time
leaving you with nothing to live for.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010


I love love actually,
the idea is not completely pedantious,
Someone to lay down the world before you,
to love you and say they do,
to caress and share with you,
to care for you,
and stand by your side against all odds...
No, indeed the idea isn't bad after all...
the mimicry is!

Composed by...
Tracy Kobukindo


Hold me closer Yeit,
I can't talk.

Take my hand in yours for one last time,
Kiss it just the way you used to,
Look me in the eyes with your sapphire gaze
and call me "Baby"

I will not cry,
I will suffer no guilt,

A hundred years of not knowing you
would have meant nothing.

I met ecstasy in your eyes,
I felt love in your touch,
I found peace in your presence.
If I say I didn't love you,
then I will be lying.

Hold me closer Yeit,
I'm cold,

Look me in the eyes
and say that it meant something to you.

Do not let me go away in doubt
because I don't want to beat myself just to kill it all.

I want to be with you here;
in a reality so pure
and there; in heavenly bliss.

That is the ultimate prize for a winner, right?
An everlasting love
brighter than the hope for tomorrow.

Give me strength to cross over,
To go way with a never ending joy.
Time with you has been worth the flow
despite the bumps.

If you say that you didn't love me,
then I'm better off dead!

Saturday, October 02, 2010


I can't say I feel lost
because that's not what it is.

I feel...

I have tried to focus my mind on something...
anything that can trigger an ounce of emotion,
But...all is nil,
Joy can't curve my lips,
Misery can't moisten my eyes,
Love can't soften my heart,
Fear can't shake my soul!
It's like am standing in front of a mirror with no reflection,
No life...
disowned by my very soul

What has become of me?!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Of course I cry, I cry a lot,
Come on, had it been you,

this pain would have cracked your armor,

That call was uncalled for,

a total act of cowardice.

Do not worry I wouldn't have asked you to be a man

and say it in my face,
Please, you could not handle it anyway.

Well, either way it was going to hurt,

a big hell lot.
But I had healed, kinda,
from the silent treatment.
Until you ruined it all with a stupid phone call.
I had moved on, or so I told myself.
Until you hit me straight through my healing cracks!

Are you happy?

Now that you have seen the wreckage I call life!

I will heal, that's for sure,

though not today, tomorrow nor months from now.

I will heal and you better be prepared
because you will be sorry.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I am standing in that place many die to be
and others will never reach;
the vast sea of gold,
and yet I did not anticipate victory
to be this painful.

I am right where I deserve to be,

Always wanted to be,

Worked through thick and thin just to be,
and yet I no longer want.

My eyes are clouded by unshed tears,
My chest feels so hard...
I can hardly breath.

My body is a shaking wreck.

These opposing emotions can't even let me

take in the beauty before me.

It's too late to turn back now,

Guess my calling is a sad one.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


As my head touches the pillow,
My spirit gets flight and in to the
waves of slumber I let myself go
caring less about the world
am leaving behind

because I know on the other-side,
am going to be all I want to be;
The King of My Own Destiny.
Reality scares me,
Reality weakens me,
but in dreams is my strength.
Despite my earthly misfortune,
I get that minute glimpse of hope...
That one day the sun will raise
and set over my head.

I'm a hero...
in dreams.

Friday, August 13, 2010


The beams of the evening sun
caress the vast park

sending shades of gold
over nature's green.

Nannies run after toddlers
in an angry merriment,

Parents sit on park benches keeping a
hawk's eye over their children,
Infants urgently demand for this cotton candy
or that ice cream cone.
Some teens seem to enjoy
the magic of the evening

while others wish for thunder
than be part of the family field day.

The elderly seek peace
since it was already established

that there would be no quiet.
Younger lovers sit in excluded corners
embracing each other.

This is why I love working in the park
because I get to see all the milestones of life.


I smell a rat,
A rat I know so well.
It's stench is as strong
bringing salty tears in my eyes
and a nauseating lump in my throat.
I wish I could choke on it and die
than humiliate myself with
a broken heart's tears.
Coz I have been down this road
and yet I let myself fall in so deep.
I'm like shattered glass among grains of sand.
I wish I could find myself
but I have got no power left this time.
Four times I have been bitten,
Five times still not shy.
How could I forget that I am just a stepping stone?
How could I forget?!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


It's three weeks now since
I started my visits to the secret pond.

I stumbled upon it on my tear-blinded
walks in the woods.

Since then I have been a devoted visitor,

the only one who sought
the spiritual healing in its still waters.

But on that night I could not miss
the difference even in the air I breathed.

He was there...
for the very first time...
and probably the last,

I saw the man who was not there.

He stood in a spot not far from mine.

In the moonless night had I not focused
I would have missed him,

he was smoky-white,
I could almost reach through him,

his unusually long frail back
seemed stiffer than wood,

and the hairs on his head
were scanty long tendrils that made waves
in the 
slight blow of the night breeze.
There were no features on his face
save for the blank hollows

where his eyes were supposed to be.

But I bet my soul
there were tears streaming out of them.

His smoky hands and legs
faded away into the darkness.

Despite his physical unnaturalness,
there was nothing terrifying about him.

I oddly felt okay with his presence.

He gave me something bigger
to think about than my self-pity.

I wondered how many times he had seen me wailing,

cursing the heavens for my misfortune
because something about him 

told me it was not his first time there.
Here was a restless spirit
seeking the comfort of my secret pond

and all I have done was disrupt that peace
with my cries of self-destruction.

The lump in my throat dissolved.

My teary escapades saved for another day.

But for that particular day...
I walked home a changed man.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


He gave you to me because;
He had tasted my pain,

He had seen my loneliness,
He had felt my fear,

He wanted my tears to go away.

He gave you to me because;

He knew you would make me smile,

He knew you would feel loved,

He knew you would restore my hope,

He knew you needed me.

He gave you to me because;

We complemented each other.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I saw a tree once,
The most beautiful of its kind;
It stood firm;
It stood tall;
It's magnificent branches
reached out to the heavens,

It's enormous roots
seemed to suck life out of the earth itself;

But yet all around it life blossomed,
from the flowers to the grass,
shrubs and even crawlers,

In the wind was the buzzing of the honey bees
and singing birds,
Its gigantic shade brought a heavenly coolness;
and a spiritual healing in the falling leaves;
I sought its comfort even in the gloom of winter;
For it knew something that I did not;
It was to stand firm no matter what was thrown your way.

Friday, April 16, 2010


I have resigned to saying and doing nothing;
I prefer dealing with a better class of ideologies;
I am tired of the ancient,
for there is nothing new under the sun.
I am at the point of self actualization;
I have seen the pain and the joy;
I have seen the tears and the laughter;
I have seen the world on both sides of the rich and the poor;
I have been places, there and back;
I have read books small, big, old and concocted;
I have seen thousands of days through winter, summer,
autumn, spring, drought and famine;
I have seen the wrath of wars lost and fruits of wars won;
I have seen new life and dying life;
I have tasted all concoctions of food man can come up with;
I have loved and been loved;
I have been a faithful victim to drugs, alcohol, smoking,
and all other things man can master;
I have hated, punished, blessed, celebrated achievements,
been taken away by the talons of jealousy and adhered to deceit;
I have seen the wonders and miseries of work, marriage and children;

I have seen it all and I am TIRED!!!
But if I go in to my cocoon of self-induced withdrawal from life,
I will miss out on life;
for even if the stars do not change...LIFE DOES;
I have just lived.
My cup is half empty or half full;
whatever the case my be.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I always think to myself
that if the devil took someone's heart
and they wanted me dead;
I would tell them
not to shoot me through the head,

because I do not want to go to
the grave without them...

my memories.
It is the only thing
I am permitted to take with me...

to take with me to the darkness.
When my last breath is taken,
when my last word is spoken,
when my time has stopped,
I will have them,
the memories of the life I had,
the people I loved,
the tears I cried,
the successes I achieved.
I will have those memories good or bad,
For it is only the memories
that will keep me going

as I wait for the day
I will see the gleam of the light again.

The dead do dream...
about you and me.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010


My navy blue sky has no stars;
blank like an endless hole it looks back at me.
My chest tightens and a huge lump forms in my throat;
Forgive me for I might give up and cry
because the misery of it all is unbearable;
to know that there is no star to shine for you;
to know that your sky will always be a plain facade;
for it will give you no joy nor hope;
no will to hang on nor the strength;
no way forward nor the power of choice.
It's like looming the earth with nothing to live for,
with nothing for you to look at and say;
"That's mine and I'm proud of it!"
Sheer emptiness of the soul,
that no matter how much you scream,
no one will hear you.
Until the end of time, you look up at the sky
and all you see is how it cries for you
on everything you do and...
It will be blank.

Thursday, April 01, 2010


It is heavily raining outside,
something worse than just a storm.

A mixture of the bellowing of thunder
and the wrath of hail stones;

not to mention the venomous winds.
My window is blurred
with all the heat my body can produce.

But I like what I see
because I do not want to scream,

I do not want to scream
when I see my death coming.

For I know they are there...
the trees.

They love me in the scorching sun of summer,
they hate me in the blizzard of the storm.
They can not be trusted.
I put all my trust in an unlikely hero,
my little house built on a rock.
With all the world against me,
it will try to protect me...

Thursday, March 25, 2010


I sit through a boring job,
I sit through boring
extracurricular activities,

I sit through this boring
shit hole I call life,

But when I am at the verge
of taking my own life,

I remember;

the laughter,
the love,

the presents,

the few disappointments,
I realize that I was actually not
counting my blessings,

I put the gun down and walk home.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I took a walk to the city,
hundreds of miles from my small village.
I wanted to see life;

For the first time I wanted to see life.
The village kept me close to norms;
It kept me bound by invisible forces.
The village played life safe;

But that is not what life is to me.

The village played around with innocence;

It kept me living for only virtue;

But what they forgot is that
even the most innocent get to die.

So I took a walk to the city to over come my fears;
to have my own chance to play with thunder.
My eyes are open now.
I see it all more clearly;
the life I was denied.
Was it worth throwing away
all their teachings
of my fore-fathers for a one day's bliss?
Yes, for I had been so blinded,

confined in an asylum of obedient sorrow.

But there is that one thing that
stood by me to the end of my stubbornness;

The innocence of my soul.

The city might have changed my perception
towards life,
but it did not change my spirit.
I stood by virtue despite the booze, the drugs,
the con men, the selfish city girls;
I fought with norms.

I took a walk to the city
because for that one day...
I was at both ends of the world.